Inaba prize

  1. This prize is awarded during each ILRC to an individual under the age of 40 who is judged to have presented the best paper at the ILRC.
  2. The award consists of a scroll and a cash prize of US $1,200.
  3. The Committee for selecting and confirming the recipient of this prize consists of members of the ILRC program committee, the chairpersons of the organizing/steering committee, and the ICLAS chairperson.
  4. The ICLAS chairperson is responsible for supervising the Inaba funds.

Inaba Prize Winners

2024Masanori Saito, Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Wyoming, USA

for his outstanding paper, entitled: "A Pathway Towards Retrieval of Microphysical Properties of Mixed-phase Clouds using Airborne Lidar-Radar Observations"
31th, Landshut, Germany
2022John Sullivan, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA

for his outstanding paper, entitled: "Advances in Characterizing Pollution Transport with Ground-Based and Airborne Profilers: Case Studies within Houston, TX"
30th, Virtual
2019Alexandra Tsekeri
National Observatory of Athens, Greece

for her outstanding paper, entitled: "Polarization lidar for detecting dust orientation"
Hefei, China
2017Rodelise Mamouri
Cyprus Remote Sensing, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

for her outstanding paper, entitled: “A new way to use polarization lidars"
Bucharest, Romania
2015Mikkel Brydegaard
Lund Laser Centre, Department of Physics, Sweden University, Sweden

for his outstanding paper entitled: “Daily Evolution of the Insect Biomass Spectrum in an Agricultural Landscape Accessed with Lidar” (S12-04)
New York City, NY, USA
2012Matthew Hayman
Advanced Studies Program, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA

for his outstanding paper entitled: “Polarization Configuration of the GV-HSRL for Detection of Horizontally Oriented Ice Crystals” (S10-09)
Porto Heli, Greece
2010Boyan Tatarov
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan

For his outstanding paper entitled: “Multi-Channel Lidar Spectrometer for Atmospheric Aerosol Typing on the Basis of Chemical Signatures in Raman Spectra” (S1O-12)
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
2008Yukari Hara
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan

for her outstanding paper entitled: "3D Transport Structure of Asian Dust Retrieved by NASA CALIOP and a Dust Transport Model Assimilated with the NIES Lidar Network Data"(S07P-09)
Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
2006Yongxiang Hu
NASA LaRC, Hampton, U.S.A.

for his outstanding paper entitled: "A Simple Multiple Scaterring-Depolarization Relation of Water Clouds and its Potential Applications"
Nara City, Japan
2004Vincent Noel
Analytical Services and Materials, Hampton, Virginia, U.S.A.

for his outstanding paper entitled: "Study of Ice Crystals Orientation in Ice Clouds based on Polarized Observations from the FARS Scanning Lidar"
Matera City, Basilicata, Italy
2002Paolo Di Girolamo
Universita degli Studi della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy

for his outstading paper entitled: "Simulation of the Lidar Dark Band Phenomenon"
Quebec, Canada
2000Gorazd Poberaj
DLR, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Germany

for his outstanding paper entitled: "Airborne All-Solid-State DIAL for Water Vapor Measurements in the Tropopause Region"
Vichy, France
1998Liesl M. Little
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, U.S.A.

for her outstanding paper entitled: "Initial Development of a Fiber-Based Lidar System for Atmospheric Water Vapor Measurements"
Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A.
1996Mathilde Douard
University of Lyon, France

for her outstanding paper entitled: "A Fourier Transfer Lidar"
Berlin, Germany
1994Albert Ansman
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Germany

for his outstanding paper entitled: "Determination of Pinatubo-Aerosol Optical Depth and Microphysical Parameters without Critical Assumptions"
Sendai, Japan